Paramjeet Singh
Aditya Educational Institutions is a proven entity for its dedicated efforts in transforming nascent students into nimble citizens. Mission of excellence is always on so the vision of success. Progress through holistic education as its caption, it headed forward in its journey by establishing several Branches as Junior, Degree, Post Graduate, Engineering and B.P.Ed. Colleges and Teacher Training institutions. Today Aditya stands tall with 60+ educational institutions, 6000+ employees and 60000+ students. Aditya Educational Institutions is not just a group of institutions which imparts world-class education, but an experience where everyone associated is part of a dream, a mission to see that we nurture truly great leaders.
Empower the students to be socially, economically and professionally successful in life. Empower them to be sensitive to their environment with a progressive attitude. As members of the society and the nation, it is our sole responsibility to ensure that each child gets his due right to gain knowledge through education and thus develop into a responsible citizen of the future. It is up to us to build the foundation for him, which will ultimately equip him to judge between right and the wrong. Aditya Educational Institutions believes in lighting every little lamp that walks into its Universe to enkindle the world tomorrow with wisdom and knowledge.
Other Members

Mohammed Shamem Zafar

Pawan Kumar